I’ve got a couple of other posts in the works, but I just wanted to write in celebration of this season’s first winter paddle. It’s probably not even winter but tonight had that bite in it that I associate in a turn in the weather. It was cold-ish, windy, overcast and rainy. Had some of those over the past few months, but, well, not the cold part.
This is probably the first of a few firsts for the winter. First snow paddle. First cut against the waves paddle. First driving rain paddle. First ice paddle. Well, I told myself the next time I hit ice that I will turn around. Had one ice adventure and I’m not sure I need to do that again. Not that I was about to die or anything, but a swim would have at least meant a cold walk home. Probably could have smashed ice to the bank, but do I want to tempt fate with a second go? Not really.
That day I hit the ice down past Rocky Springs and while it was really thin at first, it thickened and by the end I was spiking my paddle in the ice and pulling myself forward over the sheet so the kayak could break the ice with its weight. Some of you understood that. Ha.
Anyway - to cut to the chase. No ice.